utorak, 29. srpnja 2014.

make a card - waving hello

Hi there!
I have made another card for another challenge. My intention was not to copy somebody elses
work or to make something that somebody else already did and I never check all cards wich are
displayed in challenge because I do not want that it influences my idea - now I see it was a bad idea.
Why? Because I made a card with the same idea displayed below...

Nevertheless - you can check the Designers challenge here on Papersmoches blog

where the design you need to make was this:

Some of items I cannot link because they are from domestic supplier which does not have a link for purchase or they are old and they are not producing it anymore. The ones you can check and purchase are listed below:

1 komentar:

  1. Great color scheme and mix of papers! They're perfect for a nautical themed design. Thanks for joining us at Paper Smooches SPARKS!
